At Austin’s Finest Janitorial we believe that the difference is in the details. Our bathroom cleaning services include items we clean standard as part of every cleaning, such as toilet cleaning, mirror and fixture shining and window ledge dusting. On a rotating basis, we go even further and conduct a deep cleaning of tile, grout, and more!
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We provide these services every time we’re in your home.
- Tile walls, bathtubs and showers cleaned
- Shower doors cleaned
- Vanity and sink cleaned
- Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and shined
- Floors cleaned/carpets vacuumed
- Toilets thoroughly cleaned
- Window sills, ledges, and blinds dusted
- Cobwebs removed
- Doors and door frames spot cleaned
- General dusting
In addition to the services provided every time, we provide these services on a rotating basis.
- Tile grouting scrubbed
- Shower door given extra attention
- Doors and door frames hand wiped
- Knickknacks individually cleaned
- Fronts of cabinets hand wiped
- Baseboards and window sills hand wiped
- Floors given extra attention
- Faucets, sinks, and drains tooth brushed