Your bedroom should be a retreat, which is why we meticulously clean your ceiling fans, vacuum the floors, eliminate cobwebs, and perform other standard cleaning services – every time. We also perform a deep cleaning on a rotating basis, which includes furniture vacuuming, knickknack cleaning, baseboard wiping, and more.
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We provide these services every time we’re in your home.
- Flat areas hand wiped
- Doors and door frames spot cleaned
- Cobwebs removed
- Picture frames dusted
- Ceiling fans dusted
- Lamp shades dusted
- Intricate items dusted
- Heavy knickknack areas dusted
- Window sills, ledges, and blinds dusted
- Clean hardwood floors: vacuumed and damp mopped
- Stairs vacuumed
- Empty closet floors vacuumed
- All readily accessible floors vacuumed
In addition to the services provided every time, we provide these services on a rotating basis.
- Doors and door frames hand wiped
- Window sills and ledges hand wiped
- Knickknacks individually cleaned
- Furniture surfaces hand wiped
- Baseboards hand wiped
- Furniture and upholstery vacuumed
- Carpet edges vacuumed
- Floors given extra attention
- Accessible areas under furniture vacuumed