Professional Landscaping Services

Austin’s Finest offers professional landscaping services for both commercial and residential properties in Austin.  Our monthly landscaping service has no contracts; this means we are results driven and based on trust. We don’t make false promises, and long term relationships are our goal. We will always tell you the truth and we are going to do whatever it takes to keep you 100% happy.

It is not only our mission to make your lawn look great, but also to be easy to do business with.  A great looking lawn requires a strong partnership between the homeowner and lawn service provider.  We will leave detailed lawn specific notes each service, and call you from the field if anything requires immediate attention.

Austin’s Finest Janitorial Service
Austin’s Finest Janitorial Services - Landscaping and Lawncare
  • Mow (bag when too much grass to mulch)
  • Edge curbs, walks and driveways
  • Blow clippings from hard surfaces
  • Fertilize Lawn and Shrubs
  • Leaf Pickup and Removal
  • Spring & Fall Clean-ups
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  • Prune crepe myrtles & other large shrubs
  • Trim tree limbs away from houses
  • Trim low hanging tree limbs
  • Blow leaves off roof
  • Clean out gutters
  • Power-wash sidewalks, driveways, decks, buildings
#list-style-67ceceeab65f7 ul li:before { font-family:Icomoon; content: "\e32c"; color:#7c7c7c }
  • Apply mulch to beds
  • Clean beds (weeds, trash)
  • Trim shrubs
  • Replace plants and shrubs
  • Remove and/or plant trees
  • Add new beds
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