Professional Window Cleaning Services

Having clean, smudge-free windows are extremely important for retail businesses because it can be the deciding factor that will shift customers from window shopping to actually shopping in the store. Offices can benefit from window washing because it presents a clean environment for the employees and consumers.

Austin’s Finest Janitorial Services
offers different types of window washing methods that will make your windows sparkle.

Austin’s Finest provides professional window cleaning services for all different types and sizes including offices, medical facilities, healthcare facilities, fitness centers, health clubs, daycare centers, educational facilities retail stores, manufacturing plants, government facilities, auto dealerships, restaurants, airports, warehouses and transportation-based facilities.

The Squeegee Method
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Cleaning Windows With Squeegee

We have two separate methods for window cleaning stores and offices. Cleaning them with squeegees may seem simple, but our staff has been trained to do it with a magic wrist.

The Squeegee Method

  • Wet your squeegee before you begin.
  • First stroke should be horizontal at the very top of the window.
  • Wipe your squeegee, and pull down from the dry part.
  • Repeat until you reach the bottom of the window.
Microfiber Cloth
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Cleaning Windows Using Microfiber Cloth

The Advantages of Microfiber VS. Squeegee

While squeegees were designed for washing windows, cleaning glass was not the task in mind when the microfiber cloth was invented. The fabric can be used for many different tasks including washing windows. Cleaners in our company often prefer this method because they do not need to carry around buckets. All they need to do is spray our most effective cleaning solutions onto your windows and wipe them down with microfiber cloth.

Other benefits are that microfiber cloths leave no streaks, they never leave behind lint and they dry windows fast. Unfortunately, they are not easily connected to long poles like squeegees, so companies with tall windows are generally not cleaned with this method.

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